Torri Lana 1885. Archives and future.
Publisher—Rubbettino Editore

Portfolio contribution to the book “Torri Lana 1885. Archives and future.” Rubbettino Editore.The Torri Lana archive consists of both fabric and hard copy documents. There are many subdivisions within these two macro groups, such that several levels of interpretation can be made to reconstruct the long history of the company. Fabrics for furniture, which mainly date from the 70s and 80s to the present day on different shelves. The paper archive, among the many documents, stores correspondences from customers and suppliers, drawings and projects, orders and invoices, photographs, promotional materials, documents of purchase or transfer of property, advertising materials for machinery and documents about the Torri family. Present-day projects and historical sections alternate constantly through the pages of the book. The book give an idea of an initial interpretation from which further in-depth studies and research can begin. (Text taken from the introduction of the book.)


Publisher—Rubbettino Editore

Torri Lana 1885. Archives and future.

Portfolio contribution to the book “Torri Lana 1885. Archives and future.” Rubbettino Editore.The Torri Lana archive consists of both fabric and hard copy documents. There are many subdivisions within these two macro groups, such that several levels of interpretation can be made to reconstruct the long history of the company. Fabrics for furniture, which mainly date from the 70s and 80s to the present day on different shelves. The paper archive, among the many documents, stores correspondences from customers and suppliers, drawings and projects, orders and invoices, photographs, promotional materials, documents of purchase or transfer of property, advertising materials for machinery and documents about the Torri family. Present-day projects and historical sections alternate constantly through the pages of the book. The book give an idea of an initial interpretation from which further in-depth studies and research can begin. (Text taken from the introduction of the book.)